AGHE Standards and Guidelines, 7th Edition (PDF Download Only)

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Product Details

The Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), the education member group within The Gerontological Society of America, is dedicated to advancing the field of aging in higher education. The AGHE Gerontology and Geriatrics Curricular Standards and Guidelines in Higher Education provides an integral resource for colleges and universities implementing and revising programs in liberal arts, the sciences, and health professions education. The evolution of the field of aging with a focus on both gerontology and geriatrics has demanded increased breadth and depth of gerontology and geriatrics content. Through AGHE’s leadership, gerontology education is now competency-based, as the health professions programs have been for years. All chapters have been comprehensively rewritten to include the standards and guidelines for competency-based education (CBE), including the addition of curricular matrices in the appendices for both gerontology and health professions programs. This publication offers tools to identify and implement CBE in programs and to develop students’ skills and abilities needed in our workforce.

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