Research, Education, and Practice ... Where it all comes together.

GSA membership gives you an opportunity to share a collective purpose with others — the advancement of gerontological research, education, and practice. Whether it's discussing the latest topics at the Annual Scientific Meeting, finding a long-lost colleague in the membership directory, or reading a friend's article in one of our many journals, GSA keeps you connected to your field. See all of GSA’s membership benefits.

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Membership Benefits

Resources you need to advance in the field of gerontology.

Membership Levels and Dues

A membership for everyone … students, early-career, professionals and retirees.


Connect with 5,500+ career gerontologists and students who call GSA their professional home.

Yifan Lou —Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University

Featured Highlight

Founder's Day 2024

In 1945, our founders had a bold mission: to advance the aging research field and improve older adults' lives.

“The GSA's Emerging Scholars Travel Stipend has benefits that extend beyond just travel to GSA, as the name suggests. It can lead to long-term career advantages. Through the program, I was able to expand my professional network, receive valuable mentorship, and gain clarity on my career trajectory. I am delighted to report that I have secured a faculty position to land my career in aging. This achievement would not have been possible without the resources provided by the GSA's Emerging Scholars Travel Stipend.”  —Yifan Lou, Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University

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