GSA Launches New Web-Based KAER Toolkit for Brain Health

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) has released a new edition of its KAER Toolkit for Brain Health in an online format. The toolkit is intended to support primary care teams in implementing a comprehensive approach to initiating conversations about brain health, detecting and diagnosing dementia, and providing individuals with community-based supports.

National Center to Reframe Aging Earns ADvancing States’ Arthur Flemming Award

The National Center to Reframe Aging — which provides expertise in effective communication strategies surrounding aging issues — has been honored with the Arthur Flemming Award from ADvancing States. This distinction recognizes individuals or organizations for outstanding contributions in advancing public policy in aging.

Older Adults’ Air Conditioning Access Should Be a Policy Priority, Researchers Find

Policy reform is urgently needed to assist older adults who live in southern U.S. cities and who experience higher-than-expected heat-related health issues if they don’t have adequate access to air conditioning, according to a new study by University of Waterloo researchers appearing in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
