Since 1945, GSA has provided visionary leadership in the field of aging, while maintaining a commitment to providing resources and opportunities for its members. In the 21st century, the demand for aging-related professionals has accelerated. GSA is proud to continue supporting its members in this vastly changing environment. After eight decades of excellence, GSA is stronger than ever.

  • 1939: The Society is conceived after a group of 24 scientists and physicians (some of them participants at a 1937 Woods Hole conference) formed the Club for Research on Ageing.
  • 1945: The Society is formally established in New York, NY, to "promote the scientific study of aging." The office is located in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • 1946: The first issue of The Journal of Gerontology is published.
  • 1949: The first Annual Scientific Meeting is held in New York, NY.
  • 1952: GSA membership is divided into four sections: two basic science sections (Biological Sciences and Psychological & Social Sciences) and two applied sections (Social Work & Administration and Health Sciences).
  • 1954: A Society newsletter is started.
  • 1960: A student membership category is created.
  • 1961: The Gerontologist begins publication.
  • 1970: GSA moves its headquarters to Washington, D.C.
  • 1974: The Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (formerly known as The Association For Gerontology In Higher Education) is founded as a separate organization.
  • 1974: GSA is instrumental in the founding of the National Institute on Aging.
  • 1987: GSA forms its Task Force on Minority Aging Issues.
  • 1988: GSA begins its Interest Group Program.
  • 1994: The National Academy on an Aging Society is founded.
  • 1995: The Public Policy & Aging Report is first published.
  • 1995: GSA celebrates its 50th anniversary.
  • 1996: opens its doors and brings GSA into the digital age.
  • 1998: AGHE is incorporated as a GSA unit.
  • 2010: In recognition of the Society's 65th anniversary, the GSA Innovation Fund is launched.
  • 2010: GSA's Corporate Advisory Panel is formed.
  • 2014: The online networking platform GSA Connect goes live.
  • 2017: Innovation in Aging, GSA's first online peer-reviewed open access journal, begins publication.
  • 2017: GSA hosts the 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
  • 2018: AGHE requests to fully integrate into GSA; GSA becomes home to the field-spanning Reframing Aging Initiative.
  • 2019: GSA membership votes to overhaul the Society’s governance structure, creating a new Board of Directors and Section leadership structure.
  • 2020: GSA hosts its first all-online Annual Scientific Meeting and celebrates its 75th anniversary milestone.