Pathways into Retirement Are Varied and Often Difficult, PP&AR Shows
By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

How have ongoing challenges to saving for retirement been exacerbated by COVID-19-related job losses? How does the legacy of race discrimination lead to negative economic and health impacts for older people of color? How could a proposed All Generations Plan for Social Security be a solution for preventing poverty in older people?
The answers to these questions can be found in the latest issue of Public Policy & Aging Report (PP&AR), “Retirement Structures and Processes.”
“The work presented in this issue identifies the many pathways into retirement that have emerged over the past several years and are becoming formally paved as more and more Boomers reach and surpass the traditional retirement age of 65,” writes Editor-in-Chief Brian Kaskie, PhD, FGSA, in his opening article.
The range of topics addressed in this “don’t miss” issue include: the identification of five distinct groups of “retirees” in the U.S.; phased retirement policies in The Netherlands and the rest of Europe; racial, economic and other disparities experienced by Americans as they enter retirement that contribute to retirement insecurity; the diversity of individual retirement experiences relative to the accumulation of savings for Mexican immigrants in the U.S.; public and private efforts in Mexico and other Latin and South American countries to provide retirement savings plans and lessons to be learned for the U.S.; and perspectives on the future of the U.S. Social Security system.