You Made a Difference: Your Science Lives on Through GSA’s Meeting Platform
By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH

The official dates of the GSA 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Online are now in the rearview mirror, but I’m guessing even the most dedicated GSA member couldn’t have taken in all 1,200 individual symposium presentations, 700 papers, and 1,400 posters within a four-day span!
Fortunately, all of our scientific program remains accessible for registered attendees in on-demand format on the GSA 2021 meeting platform. All of this rich content — which embodied our meeting theme of “Disruption to Transformation: Aging in the ‘New Normal” — is available for consumption until December 31.
This includes the keynote address, which included important messages on future directions for family caregiving from GSA President Dr. Terri Harvath and our keynote speaker, critical and palliative care specialist Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter. (Thanks again to Terri for a terrific year of leadership as president, and welcome to incoming GSA President Dr. Peter Lichtenberg.)
And special thanks to the more than 3,700 researchers, clinicians, educators, and aging service professionals who joined us from 38 countries for sharing your insights and advancing the state of our field. You made the meeting a success and GSA is grateful for the contributions you make to improving the lives of older adults every day.