Updates on Actions

GSA continues to track and provide updates on actions taken by the administration and Congress that impact members, including those related to federal funding. Links to the latest resources will be posted on this page.

    Latest Federal Policy Updates

    Actions You Can Take

    • Engage with your respective members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to advocate for the importance of well-funded research in the field of aging. Share your specific story outlining how these funding cuts will impact you, your institution, and your community.
      • Call (202) 224-3121, the Capitol switchboard, to be connected to your representative and senator.
      • Email your representative and senators. Find the email contacts for representatives and for senators online.
      • Visit your representative and senator in their local offices or participate in town hall meetings held by your members of Congress.

    • Share your story with GSA.
      • Complete this form to let GSA know how recent executive actions will impact you, your institution, and your community. Specific examples of the unintended consequences of these actions are powerful. GSA staff will use these stories to help advocate on behalf of the field.

    • Stay updated on this page. Additional information, as it becomes available, will also be found in GSA's Federal Policy Pulse, Gerontology News, GSA Announcements, and on GSA Connect.